
About nexai

 Nexai was an entrepreneurial project, a startup dedicated to AI and agent systems. I initiated this project in 2021, but I always thought of it with my friend Mickael Thumerel. He joined me in 2023.  Unfortunately, on December 22, 2024, Mickael died of a devastating illness. After several months of hesitation, I was unable to continue the Nexai project.  Many people told me “Mickael would have wanted you to do this”... Except that Nexai was conceived with Mickael from the start. Without him, it's not the same project. And so I'm going to close  To Mickael Thumerel, my colleague, my “TAZ”, my friend... I miss you. Nexai était un projet de création d'entreprise, une startup consacrée à l'IA et aux systèmes d'agents. J'ai initié ce projet en 2021, mais j'ai toujours pensé cela avec mon ami Mickael Thumerel. En 2023 il m'a rejoint.  Malheureusement le 22 décembre 2024, une maladie foudroyante a emporté Mickael. Aprés plusieurs mois d'hésitatio...